Has the Church Become Non-Essential?


I never thought I would see the day when
pastors would consider the church to be non-essential. Our
Government has mandated that all non-essential businesses close

Considered essential 

- Abortion clinics 

- CNN and other fake news organizations 

- Liquor stores

- Walmart’s… and other grocery stores where 100’s congregate

- Congress to some degree still gathers

- press conferences 

1 Tim 3:15 “The house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar
and ground of the truth.

Now let me be very clear:  

1. I believe in pastoral authority. I believe the decision of
each pastor is no business of any other pastor.  He answers to God and to
Scripture. I have no problem with the choice of a pastor to close... or with a
pastor who keeps his church open. What I have a problem with, is the two sides
blasting each other... as if they have authority over another pastor.

Some who have closed their church- calling
others murderers. The pastor who keeps his church open… Calls
others  compromisers.

2. It is prudent that each church that chooses to stay open use precaution... as they would with any flu outbreak.... or contagious Illness going around. 

3. A church in a higher risk area would be wise to consider other options for their people. 

4. The main responsibility should be with the older folks and those with health problems. They THEMSELVES should practice separation/quarantine if they feel at risk.    Each individual and each family should use personal judgment. 

I would ask this of those who are for shutting down all churches

-Where we’re you when the normal flu season began?  Do you know that many more have died from
the common flu in your community?  Where was your great compassion and concern then?

- Where was your voice of concern in the 2017/2018 flu season when over 80,000 folks in the USA died? 

- We’re they not as big a deal as those who have died in the past 3 months? 

- Are you aware, Pastor, that more folks in your community will die this year of the normal yearly flu than
from the covid-19 virus... in fact most likely many times more? 

- Yet... where was the closing of your church doors for them?  Where was the compassion and concern to stop the spread of the flu?  Where was the outrage from you towards other pastors who didn’t quarantine? 

- If they determine that we have to limit crowds for the next year... will you be fine with that?  After all... your church is non-essential... right?  Well... hasn’t that point been clearly made by the Government?

- And hasn’t it been agreed to by 99% of the nation’s  pastors?  

 The precedent has been set.  I don’t know how we come back from this now.  I don’t know how the church recovers.  How do we become “essential “ again?  How do we get out voice back?  Will we now and in the
future, always be looked upon as non-essential, while news media... Governors and city mayors who stand before crowds are considered essential to the community?  And while Walmart, liquor stores and Planned Parenthood are considered essential.


The lighthouse has been labeled as non-essential. It stood upon the hill for decades... Giving light to those lost in the fog of sin. 

No matter how bad the storm, while others hunkered down beside the fireplace... the lighthouse would stand with the light a glow and the sound of the mighty fog Horn blowing... to warn the lost seaman of the danger of the rocks. 

No matter the weather... no matter the time... the lighthouse was ESSENTIAL.  Who would ever think of shutting down the lighthouse during a storm?

Evangelist Dan Goodwin

Daniel Goodwin