The Prophecy Puzzle

The Prophecy Puzzle
The Prophecy Puzzle - In this book, Evangelist Dan Goodwin likens prophecy to a puzzle. As with a puzzle, you must “rightly divide” the many pieces. You first separate the straight edges into a pile as you look for what Brother Goodwin calls The Four Corners of prophecy. These corners are the foundation that holds up and connects the entire prophecy puzzle and are the most important part of putting the pieces together. The straight edges come next and form the outline of the prophetic story Brother Goodwin calls the foundational pieces. The third step is the landscape which is the church, and the many different roads of prophecy. The fourth step, the most difficult, is the deep parts of prophecy, the clouds and the sky.
In this book you will learn what the four corners of prophecy are, the importance of rightly dividing, and not forcing a piece where it does not belong. This may be Brother Goodwin’s best and most important of all the books he has written!