Seven Clocks A Ticking

Seven Clocks A Ticking


Seven Clocks A Ticking Towards Christ’s Soon Return is the most important book of 2019. This book reveals Seven clocks all ticking towards the same end-time event. Includes 25 full-color images.

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Time is Running Out! The condition of the world today is like the folks on the Titanic: eating, drinking, and being merry, unaware that time is running out and their doom is just hours away. Like those on the Titanic, humanity is unaware of the judgment soon to be released.  The hour is late, there are seven clocks all ticking towards midnight, and everything is about to change.  This is not just a book about prophecy; it is a book that reveals the warning signs pointing toward the end times.  I call them 'ticking clocks'.

These seven clocks are sounding an alarm of impending doom, and are speeding towards a season of great tribulation upon the earth; a time of suffering and sorrow like the world has never seen.

 Today, it is five minutes to midnight; time is running out.  Everything is about to change, and few are aware that a horrific storm is about to rock the planet.