The KJB - The Gold Standard of the Word of God

The KJB - The Gold Standard of the Word of God
Is there a prophecy in the Scriptures that points to the KJB? Bro Dan’s newest book - The KJB - The Gold Standard of the Word of God unlocks a hidden prophecy about the King James Bible that is vital for these last days. Does the end-time church loose their hold on the Scriptures? This book is an eye opener.
Isaiah 46:10a “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done…”
The Battle has always been over the Bible. Man started out his days nearly six thousand years ago questioning the word of God. It appears that man will end his days here on earth with the same demise and confusion. The Martyrs of old were all persecuted over one main issue: THE AUTHORITY OF THE WORD OF GOD! Is there a prophecy in the Scriptures that points to the KJB? Do you want to know how it all ends? Go back to the beginning. It all ends just like it began 6,000 years ago with a bride named Eve-- being wooed by a serpent with fruit that liberates the soul. The bride of Christ today is the church and is being tricked by liberal scholars into modern translations and flawed biblical texts.
This book sheds light on the history of the KJB, the translators, and the entire printing process. Brother Goodwin also explains biblical inspiration and preservation. He will shock you with the truth about the “originals” we hear so much about. Find out why the KJB is considered “The Gold Standard” of the word of God.